jaadoo tona example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest जादू टोना jaadoo tona news and headlines :
1. मिर्गी का इलाज दवाइयां हैं, जादू टोना नहीं LiveHindustan2. मढौरा LIVE: मोदी ने दिया लालू को मंत्र, बना लो राष्ट्रीय जादू टोना पार्टी, करो फिर तंत्र मंत्र LiveHindustan3. नीतीश बताएं दाल कहां काली, लालू बनाएं जादू टोना पार्टी: मोदी LiveHindustan
4. उन्होंने कहा कि योग कोई जादू टोना नहीं है, जो सब कुछ ठीक कर देगाibnlive.com 1. His frankness and candor, which is not always involuntary, give his stories a charm and force that neither ages nor the extensive comments have managed to fade 2. His frankness and candor, which is not always involuntary, give his stories a charm and force that neither ages nor the extensive comments have managed to fade 3. However very specifically Indian inspiration that characterizes to the exclusion of Western influence lends them a real charm 4. However, the charm of his first poems can only come from a sincerity and a happy sensuality, they have no need to organize themselves into a poetic art of awkwardness 5. However, the freshness and originality of his early works retain their a certain charm

Given are the examples of hindi word jaadoo tona usage in english sentences. The examples of jaadoo tona are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., sorcery, witchery, hockey pockey, diablerie, necromancy, incantation, voodoo, witchcraft, whammy, paternoster, the black art, vodoun, charm.